Pattern testing | Sewing | Sewing for me

Weekender Tunic

February 16, 2016

I know…it seems like all I’m doing these days is pattern testing.  I have told myself to back off, since I got sick and overextended during these last few tests.

I am done for a while, after I show another one I have done, promise.  I have a dance costume to make for a friends daughter (I have to draft everything for it, too), and I also have two costumes to make for the next comic con.  I am way behind in starting them, so yeah…need to focus.


Okay, so here is the Weekender Tunic by 5 out of 4 Patterns (It is on sale until 2/23).  On this version I made, it had the extra long sleeves and the funnel neck.  She redid the sleeves a bit, since these were a little tight, but part of that was just my fabric, which had a bit less stretch than I thought it would.


Once I get around to it, I will take off several inches.  For some reason these days I have a hard time with sleeves that go down to my wrist.  It just feels uncomfortable.  I have been liking 3/4 length sleeves, or at least sleeves that I can comfortably push up to mid-forearm.


This is a pattern that will be fairly easy to hack into different versions.  I have one in mind, but just didn’t get to it due to being sick, volleyball tournaments and super busy at work.  *sigh*  Just not enough hours in the day!

I will hopefully have some time to work on sewing this weekend.  Tonight, however, I think I might have to whip up a new outfit for the girl for her Orchestra concert tomorrow.  I threw her dress in the wash on cold, and it looks like it shrunk up. Guess I should have dry cleaned it.  I think I will be likely burning the midnight oil.


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