
Do or do not, there is no try…

February 1, 2017

Yoda is wise.

“You are so good at that!  I can’t do that!”

I hear this from my daughter from time to time, and different versions from adult women around me when I am working on some project or other.  I have a hard time sitting idle, so I usually bring something to work on when I am at my children’s sports.


My bag consists of a drawing pad, various pens and sharpies, sometimes a loom knitting project, and maybe some hand-sewing.  I brought spur straps to hand sew to one volleyball tournament.

I tend to try many new types of mediums, and never does it enter my mind that I can’t do something.  This is not ego, but industry.  I know that if I try hard enough, and long enough, at something…I will figure out how to do it.  I have faith in my abilities that I can do something.  It’s not rocket science.  All it takes is effort.  Sometimes grand effort, but in the end I will learn how to do it.

I mean, damn, I learned how to make chainmail.


I can learn to paint, I know this, but I also know I may never be a Michelangelo or Botticelli.  I don’t need to be, though.  I enjoy what I make, and that is enough for me.

I have known some gifted artists, and while I may be temporarily jealous of their incredible abilities, I also know they did not naturally learn their skill from just being born.  They honed their abilities, which were augmented by some natural sight that comes through in their artwork.

The point of this, is that when my daughter tells me she “can’t” do something, I tell her that it takes work and effort to be good at anything.  If she wants to learn it enough, and puts in the time, she will also be good at it.

It’s not about “CAN’T”, rather “WILL” or “WILL NOT”.

If you really want to do something, DO IT!  What is the point of saying “CAN’T”, when you CAN if you WILL.

Start by believing in yourself, and your abilities.  Have faith that whatever you want to do in your life, or be as a person, you can achieve.  It just takes effort…and that first step.  You may stumble from time to time, but that is just part of the process call learning.  You will learn what not to do next time, and be able to take that next step forward.  Eventually you will reach that place where you are content with your achievements, and if not…take the next fork in the road and go down a new path.

Life is a journey, so enjoy it by doing things that give you joy.  The other alternative is to stay rooted in place, and you, my dears, are not a tree.

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