Outfits | Stuff I made

New skirts

By on October 12, 2011

Here are a few new skirts I made this past weekend and how I styled them for work. ******* I haven’t been sewing too much lately (or fashion blogging, obviously).  I have just been too busy with work, working out, and raising my kids.  Life just is so busy these days.  It seems to be […]

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Outfits | Stuff I made

Buying ahead

By on August 12, 2011

This outfit is a bit Fallish, but it was coolish out.  That’s my excuse.  I don’t really want the cold weather of Fall, but I do want to dress in layers and wear my boots. I got these boots a few weeks ago, and they were on sale.  Yay!  Sales!  This is actually the second […]

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Hair | Outfits | Stuff I made


By on July 18, 2011

Firefly lingo – Shiny=Good I finally got a chance to sew this weekend, since it was so flippin hot and humid outside that I sequestered myself in the cool basement.  This fabric has been sitting around for a few years, so I decided to make a skirt out of it.  At first I thought I […]

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Hair | Outfits | Stuff I made


By on July 13, 2011

Well, I am nothing if not consistent with where I buy my clothes.  In putting together these outfit posts, that has definitely shown me that I need to branch out a bit!  Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of time to shop.  I don’t generally like buying online since I can’t tell the fit.  My […]

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