Costumes | drafting | Sewing | Sewing for the girl | tween sewing

My little assassin

By on October 4, 2017

The girl has been reading the Sarah Maas series where the lead character is basically an assassin, though she becomes a leader.  (I think…she tends to get wordy and unfocused when she explains it all). This year she wanted to be an assassin in going to the Renaissance Festival and for Halloween.  That works fine […]

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drafting | Pattern testing | Sewing | Sewing for the girl | tween sewing

Joggers are not actually for jogging

By on September 21, 2017

As the Girl’s gym teacher learned when he was trying to talk her into joining the track team.  He was pushing hard, too. “Uh, yeah, no…running isn’t really my thing.” You can, though, still look cute in them. These are the Rumba Joggers from Rogue Patterns, set to release tomorrow.  They come in a huge […]

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drafting | Pattern hacking | Pinterest hacks | RTW Copies | Sewing | Sewing for me | Tutorials

Pattern hack – zipped cowl top

By on September 5, 2017

Is that a good name for it?  Not sure what to call this style. Okay, what we have here is a tutorial for a pattern hack to get this style of top: Instructions to hack a pattern In order to do this hack, you need a basic long sleeve t-shirt top pattern that fits.  I […]

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Creativity | drafting | Pattern hacking | Pinterest hacks | RTW Copies | Sample sewing | Sewing | Sewing for me | Stuff I made

Long overdue cardigan draft

By on September 2, 2017

I have been wanting to make this cardigan for quite awhile. It wasn’t the color I would choose, but I loved the flounces.  This would have to be flounces and not ruffles, as the gathering would make it horrendous to sew the seams. My plan of attack was to use the WBM basic t-shirt and […]

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