After about 15 years, it is time to repaint a bathroom right?
This was a long time in coming. I was actually thinking that I had painted the bathroom this year, but it was in October. How time does fly.
This was what it looked like before:

I painted the room in two colors. One is a light blue and one is a turquoise color. I did the turquoise color around the shower area.

After painting it, I created a design based on the colors of the room for the shower curtain. I took a picture of the paint and then brought it into Photoshop. I sampled the colors to create the design and then printed it at Society 6 for the shower curtain. It is pretty close! I did have to hem it about 6″ since the shower here is low.

I then painted the cabinets this week. The color is Coffee Bean from Sherwin Williams. I had to sand it, then wipe them down and then at least two coats of paint. Painting cabinets is a pain in the butt, since it takes so long to do them. I used a foam roller and small paint brush. You really have to watch any streaks or runs to make sure it looks uniform.
You also have to make sure you wear a mask during sanding. I have had a cough that won’t go away since before the beginning of the year. I didn’t want to get bad again.

All the accessories are from Homegoods. I was able to get mostly matchy matchy stuff. The round painted thing was a little too white, so I used some gold fabric paint on the areas that were too bright. Fixed it. Gotta make it werk. 😉
We are now good for another 15 years. 😉