
Ah, those Fall leaves

October 19, 2012

A few weeks ago we drove back to my home state for some pumpkin picking at at neighborhood party.  I love going back there, since I grew up with some great people.  It is wonderful to be able to see them again.  The drive was so pretty, too.  The leaves were turning colors and are just beautiful.

Right now the leaves are really falling off the trees.  I wish this time of year would last longer.

As you can see, they are also falling all over our yard.  I hope they can last on the trees for a few weeks yet, since I need to get some family pictures!

On a side note…

Do you blog all the outfits you wear, even the unflattering ones?  I think it looks like I had too many cheeseburgers in this one (in actuality, too many dark chocolate Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!).  I decided to post it, but usually if I wear something that I am not totally excited about…I don’t even take pictures.  Sometimes things look good in the morning, but a coffee or two later you wonder what you were thinking at 7 am!

Skirt – JC Penny

White shirt – CAbi

Brown shirt – Christopher Banks

Boots – American Eagle

Jewelry – Cross chain: gift, gold chains: Lia Sophia, Earrings: warehouse sale

Hair – French braid out of wet hair, fresh from the shower!  This was before I dyed my hair.  My brown roots were showing again.  It was time for another dye job!

  1. I dunno where you’re getting the too many cheeseburger thang, because you look kinda tall and willowy to me.

    I did blog my outfits every day for a while, and then decided to just share a few a week, when all the elements come together really well in pretty good photos. This gives me more free time to enjoy my friends’ blogs. Plus, I am re-mixing a lot these days, and I figured I’d just bore everyone to death 😛

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