Creativity | drafting | Fabric designs | Handbags | Leather | Sewing for me

Oil tanned laptop bag

By on May 29, 2019

Well, it happened. I got a job. No more sleeping in, drinking coffee and checking Facebook for the first half of the day. 😉 No…now I have to actually use my brain again! It should be interesting and challenging, which is something my last job wasn’t for several years. I’m looking forward to it! Now, […]

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April in Review

By on May 7, 2019

Well, April just flew by. We had some out of town shenanigans, lots of snow, the big melt, and running around. The boy started high school boys volleyball, so two volleyball kids meant lots of games and tournaments. I am also still looking for gainful employment, so that has been tons of fun. 😉 Here […]

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