Creativity | Focus

Focus – Week 28-30

By on July 30, 2018

Gotta admit…this summer has thoroughly exhausted me.  I’m not sure how the kids would have gotten everywhere if I hadn’t been “working” from home.  While I did get what I needed done for work, it was definitely affected by my kids activities, with having to work late on many nights when I really shouldn’t have […]

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drafting | Sample sewing | Sewing | Sewing for me

Light and Dark

By on July 29, 2018

This was the third strike-off sample I needed to get finished in the last week.  It was pretty dang busy! Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something.  Please check out our disclosure policy for more details. This fabric is from the Harry Potter […]

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Focus – Week 27

By on July 12, 2018

Whenever July 4th is in the middle of the week, we don’t seem to go anywhere or do anything.  This past week we were just tired, so we stayed in and watched a Band of Brothers marathon.  It was nice to sit and do nothing.  I almost finished a loom knitted scarf during the marathon.  […]

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